If you need to create a custom cron task for IBM Maximo using Java here is some code to get you started.
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| import psdi.server.SimpleCronTask; import psdi.server.CrontaskParamInfo; import psdi.util.MXException; import java.rmi.RemoteException
public class MyCustomCron extends SimpleCronTask {
// You must extend SimpleCronTask and must override // cronAction()
// Your main processing goes in cronAction()
@Override public void cronAction(){ // Do stuff here
// How to access a parameter if you are using them String param = super.getParamAsString("Param 1); }
// If you want to use parameters you override getParameters()
@Override public CronTaskParamInfo[] getParameters() throws MXException, RemoteException { CrontakParamInfo parameters[] = new CronTaskParamInfo[2]; parameters[0] = new CrontaskParamInfo(); parameters[0].setName("Param 1"); parameters[0].setDefault("Default Value"); parameters[1].setName("Param 2"); parameters[1].setDefault("Default Value");
return parameters; }